nowhere in particular
group exhibition
Raum D, q21 Museumsquatier, Vienna (AT)

Fifteen international artists meditate on the oversimulation of possible futures in their practices ranging from sculptural phygital installations to speculative research-based bio-art and performances. Offering a glimpse into the future, Mary Maggic’s installation deals with plastic pollution and its queering of our bodies. At the same time, Alma Bektas’ intricate floral interventions invite on-lookers to dream of a possible future and engage in romantic envisioning, furthermore, Martina Menegon’s complex digital assemblages of physical and virtual elements situate the body within a hybrid disembodiment of self.

The artists in nowhere in particular are attracted to visualising and shaping our collective imagination to realise potential futures. Seizing the opportunities in change, the speculative futures moulded by our dreams. Nowhere in particular wallows in the present. A space of incoming change, and potential, offering to open new worlds, expected and unexpected.

Cris Anutoiu @b4cterija
Alma Bektas @helikorija
Luke Dworschak @luke___d
Josepha Edbauer @chosepha
Elias Jocher @duskblade_2332
Mary Maggic @marymaggic
Martina Menegon @martina.menegon
Hannah Neckel @voidgirl69
Lea Neckel @69lean666
Brooklyn J. Pakathi @brook_flowers
Andreas Palfinger @andreas_palfinger
Maximilian Prag @maximilianprag
Erin Sankey @erinispainting

Hannah Wimmer @hannah_maria_
Anna Schall @zerfix__
kindly supported by
raum d